Google Ranks First in Search Market

A Google increase is search market of about 67.5 % of the U.S. compare to other search engines. It’s maintaining 67 percent from November and stands first in search market. Google’s U.S. search market share was at 66.4% in February 2012. Next Competitor of Google is Bing also grew its share of about 16.7% from 15.3 % in Feb. 2012. Bing had grown its market share within six months.

Bing’s search partner Yahoo dropped its market share to 11.6 % from 13.8% in Feb.2012. Yahoo CEO has spotted out; Yahoo and Bing is essentially exchange search market share quite than making development next to Google.

Google vs Bing

Yahoo has been losing is search market year-over-year from Jan. 2007 when it was at 28.1 percent. Between the great competition of Google and Bing, about 70% searches carried out were power-driven by Google, While 26% were power-driven by Bing in Feb.

6 % of desktop searches fell (19.4 billion to 18.3 billion) in Feb from Jan. Searches through Google approximately 12.3 billion, 3 billion searches through Microsoft sites, 2.1 billion searches through Yahoo, 475 million searches through Ask, 305 million Searches through AOL.