Google Updated Goal Conversions in Real Time Reports

Google added goal conversions to its real time reports in Google Analytics. Now the real time conversions reports shows a list of the recent goals which is sorted in highest to lowest. The real time conversion reports displays the number and names of goal which was given by you while creating your goal.

In that, once you click a goal or event, then you can view specific goal details or in the case of events you can view event actions and labels.

It’s difficult to consider that in general this time goals had been totally absent from real-time. Either large or small, goals are naturally the main reason your site survives. you can see both Page URLs goals or event goal in this real time reports.

Amazing fact is that worked out goals are not available in real-time presently yet. These worked out goals comprise time on site or pages per visit. Certainly, they are still being path as common in the Conversions part of the Standard Reports.

If you need to set up goals in Google analytics, go to your Admin; select your Google analytics profile. Then click goals tab and give your general information of goal which includes a goal name, goal type and goal details.