Google Updates Maps Tool with Multi-Stage Directions

User of Maps preview will have multi-stage instructions, gig times and flight reservations display in the maps themselves. Google has rationalized its maps feature, introduce the choice to get multi-stage directions, find future events at local venue, and view flight, hotel, and restaurant reservations.

The update affects Google’s Maps sample on desktop, which allow users to decide to improve to an premature version of the company’s subsequently major release of its maps product. Driving, walking and cycling directions can now have numerous destinations. Click a plus sign lets users search for innovative locations and add them to the base of the list. They can then be rearranging by click and dragging, with up to 10 locations visit in order.

Public move directions, though, are still limited to one start point and one end point. When setting up a trip to see some music, sports or a play, Google now shows users future events at that site.

Lastly, when a user sign in to their Google account search for an airport, hotel or restaurant which they have a reservation at, the site will now show that condition alongside the venue. The characteristic require Google to precisely recognize which incoming emails are reservations, so it can be fooled.